Who owns the phone number (961) 351-1591?
The previous subscriber associated with this phone number was Lisa M Castanon. The number belonged to this person in 2010, 2007. They've got a birthday on 02.03.1955. They are 69 right now. Lisa M Castanon currently resides at 7742 Sycamore Ave, Riverside, CA, 92504-2621. Lisa M Castonon, Lisa L Castanon and Lisa M Custanon are related to them. You can get in touch with Lisa M Castanon at (951) 687-6132, (909) 687-6132, (951) 351-1591 and (951) 534-2314.
1 public record found for the phone number (961) 351-1591
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Lisa Castanon.
Lisa Castanon
Full name
Lisa M Castanon
Also known as
Lisa M Castonon, Lisa L Castanon, Lisa M Custanon
2018, 2005
7742 Sycamore Ave, Riverside, CA, 92504-2621
2005, 1991
4951 Hedrick Ave, Riverside, CA, 92505-1477
13274 Lasselle St, Moreno Valley, CA, 92553-6887
Easy Step Independant Living, Redlands, CA, 92423
1996, 1988
8034 Priscilla St, Downey, CA, 90242-4333
Date of birth
Other contacts
(951) 687-6132, (909) 687-6132, (951) 351-1591, (951) 534-2314