Who owns the phone number (898) 288-3161?
David W Meister was the previous subscriber of this phone number. This person used to have it in 2008–2009. Their birth date is 06.09.1942. At present they are 82 years old. David W Meister resides at 811 N Oak St, Durand, MI, 48429-1231. You can contact David W Meister at (517) 288-3161, (989) 288-0351, (989) 288-3161 and (989) 551-5718.
1 public record found for the phone number (898) 288-3161
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with David Meister.
David Meister
Full name
David W Meister
2018, 2006
811 N Oak St, Durand, MI, 48429-1231
2011, 2000
9190 Haverhill St, Detroit, MI, 48224-2526
1996, 1992
811 Oak Sta, Durand, MI, 48429
811 Ore St N, Durand, MI, 48429
Date of birth
Other contacts
(517) 288-3161, (989) 288-0351, (989) 288-3161, (989) 551-5718