Who owns the phone number (822) 343-5419?
The most recent subscriber associated with this phone number was Letha S Oliphant. The number belonged to this person in 2015. Their birth date is on 17.07.1950. Their present age is 74. Letha S Oliphant lives at 113 Clinton St, Hartsville, IN, 47244. They've got a family of Letha S Olilphant and Letha Oliphanta. Letha S Oliphant can be reached at (811) 344-0510, (812) 372-1608, (812) 546-4170, (812) 344-0510 and (812) 343-5419.
1 public record found for the phone number (822) 343-5419
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Letha Oliphant.
Letha Oliphant
Full name
Letha S Oliphant
Also known as
Letha S Olilphant, Letha Oliphanta
2018, 2007
113 Clinton St, Hartsville, IN, 47244
2517 13Th St, Columbus, IN, 47201-5506
2001, 1989
3050 Thompson Dr, Columbus, IN, 47201-7273
1306 N 850 E, Columbus, IN, 47203-9619
2001, 1996
2311 Sycamore St, Columbus, IN, 47201-4181
818 Fairview Dr, Columbus, IN, 47201-7420
St Po, Hartsville, IN, 47244
Date of birth
Other contacts
(811) 344-0510, (812) 372-1608, (812) 546-4170, (812) 344-0510, (812) 343-5419