Who owns the phone number (735) 541-0840?
Nairobi Rosario was the most recent owner associated with this phone number. It was in this person's ownership in 2009. They've got a birthday on 26.12.1985. They are 39 now. Nairobi Rosario presently lives at 100 Roosevelt Ave, Carteret, NJ, 07008-3481. Narobi Rosario and Nalrobi Rosario are their relatives. You can call Nairobi Rosario at (816) 935-8464, (732) 715-9046, (732) 366-2243, (732) 501-9588 and (848) 228-6144.
1 public record found for the phone number (735) 541-0840
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Nairobi Rosario.
Nairobi Rosario
Full name
Nairobi Rosario
Also known as
Narobi Rosario, Nalrobi Rosario
2018, 2015, 2006
100 Roosevelt Ave, Carteret, NJ, 07008-3481
11 Roosevelt Ave, Carteret, NJ, 07008-2413
100 Roosevelt Aveapts 1, Carteret, NJ, 07008
Date of birth
Other contacts
(816) 935-8464, (732) 715-9046, (732) 366-2243, (732) 501-9588, (848) 228-6144