(729) 212-5113
Louelle F Kaggia was the most recent owner of this phone number. This person used the number in 2011. They've got a birthday on 12.02.1986. Their current age is 38. Louelle F Kaggia presently resides at 1914 Poplar St, Philadelphia, PA, 19130-1529. Louelle F Grant, Lovelle E Kaggia and Lovelle Kaggia are their family. Louelle F Kaggia is available at (215) 765-5856, (407) 491-2004, (862) 763-5903, (215) 769-3095 and (267) 408-0969.
1 public record found for the phone number (729) 212-5113
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Louelle Kaggia.
Louelle Kaggia
Full name
Louelle F Kaggia
Also known as
Louelle F Grant, Lovelle E Kaggia, Lovelle Kaggia
2018, 2003
1914 Poplar St, Philadelphia, PA, 19130-1529
Date of birth
Other contacts
(215) 765-5856, (407) 491-2004, (862) 763-5903, (215) 769-3095, (267) 408-0969