Who owns the phone number (598) 212-4378?

The most recent owner of this phone number was Suanne Derr. This person owned it in 2016. They celebrate their birthday on 03.12.1949. Right now they are 75 years old. Suanne Derr presently lives at 3563 Corrales Rd, Corrales, NM, 87048-9138. Susane Derr, Suzanne Derr, Suanne W Derr and 2 other people are known to be their family. You can get in touch with Suanne Derr at (505) 238-1314, (502) 896-0925, (505) 508-5924, (547) 896-0925, (505) 898-0660 and (505) 896-0925.

1 public record found for the phone number (598) 212-4378

No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Suanne Derr.



Suanne Derr

Full name

Suanne Derr

Also known as

Susane Derr, Suzanne Derr, Suanne W Derr, Suanne Lochner Derr, Sueanne Derr


2018, 2010

3563 Corrales Rd, Corrales, NM, 87048-9138

2016, 2013

3503 Robin Pl Se, Rio Rancho, NM, 87124-2033

2008, 1988

1155 Blairs Ferry Rd, Marion, IA, 52302-3013


625 Camino Sin Pasada, Corrales, NM, 87048-8543

2006, 1998

1581 Chihuahua Rd Ne, Rio Rancho, NM, 87144-6492


625 Comilas Erin Pasada, Corrales, NM, 87048

2001, 1990

700 35Th St, Marion, IA, 52302-6901

2000, 1993

887 Baltic Ave Se, Rio Rancho, NM, 87124-3167


10200 Corrales Rd Nw, Albuquerque, NM, 87114-9208

1996, 1994

887 Baltic Avse, Rio Rancho, NM, 87124

1993, 1991

10922 Hollyview Ct, Louisville, KY, 40299-3967


11316 0Lde Sage Ct, Louisville, KY, 40223


4601 Montano Rd Nw, Albuquerque, NM, 87120-2458


1475 25Th St, Marion, IA, 52302-1930

Date of birth
