Who owns the phone number (578) 817-3808?
The most recent subscriber associated with this phone number was Kathryn M Burakiewicz. It was in this person's ownership in 2016. They have a birthday on 11.10.1983. Their actual age is 41 years old. Kathryn M Burakiewicz currently lives at 240 Susquehanna Ave, Wyoming, PA, 18644-2033. They've got a family of Kathryn N Burakiewicz and Kathryn Burakiewiez. You may contact Kathryn M Burakiewicz at (570) 883-0375, (570) 540-0819 and (570) 779-9836.
1 public record found for the phone number (578) 817-3808
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Kathryn Burakiewicz.
Kathryn Burakiewicz
Full name
Kathryn M Burakiewicz
Also known as
Kathryn N Burakiewicz, Kathryn Burakiewiez
2018, 2015
240 Susquehanna Ave, Wyoming, PA, 18644-2033
125 Penn Ave, Exeter, PA, 18643-1900
174 Cherry St, Duryea, PA, 18642-1206
2014, 2011
34B School St, Wilkes Barre, PA, 18705
34 School St, Wilkes Barre, PA, 18705-3433
145 Chamberlain St, Wilkes Barre, PA, 18705-2321
2009, 2007
243 Davis St, Plymouth, PA, 18651-1233
2007, 2005
17 Miller St, Jenkins Township, PA, 18640-1321
2007, 2005
388 S Main St, Pittston, PA, 18640-2328
2006, 2002
122 Heather, Pittston, PA, 18640
2003, 2001
122 Heather Highlands, Pittston, PA, 18640-3125
2003, 2001
122 Heather Highlands, Jenkins Township, PA, 18640-3125
86 Searle St, Pittston, PA, 18640-2061
Date of birth
Other contacts