(545) 342-7775

The previous subscriber associated with this phone number was Alvina M Imoehl. This person used the number in 2016. Their birth date is 19.03.1927. Their present age is 97. Alvina M Imoehl presently lives at 504 Short Ave, New Hampton, IA, 50659-1801. Their family are A Imoehl, Alvina Mary Imoehl, Alvina J Imoehl and 1 other people. You may reach Alvina M Imoehl at (641) 393-2330 and (641) 394-2066.

1 public record found for the phone number (545) 342-7775

No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Alvina Imoehl.



Alvina Imoehl

Full name

Alvina M Imoehl

Also known as

A Imoehl, Alvina Mary Imoehl, Alvina J Imoehl, Alvina L Imoehl


2018, 2015

504 Short Ave, New Hampton, IA, 50659-1801

2014, 2001

348 S Walnut Ave, New Hampton, IA, 50659-2034


11352 175Th St, Elma, IA, 50628-8049

Date of birth


Other contacts

(641) 393-2330, (641) 394-2066