Who owns the phone number (486) 823-0243?
The most recent subscriber of this phone number was Jeffery S Phillips. The number was in this person's ownership in 2012. They've got a birthday on 02.02.1973. Their present age is 52. Jeffery S Phillips is known to live at 1112 Sw Springfield Dr, Ankeny, IA, 50023-8248. They are a relative of Jeffery Scott Phillips, Jeff S Phillips, Jeffrey S Phillips and 3 other people. Contact Jeffery S Phillips at (828) 682-9208, (515) 278-8137, (515) 965-8085, (515) 681-8020, (515) 298-1596, (972) 377-3465 and (515) 252-1510.
1 public record found for the phone number (486) 823-0243
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Jeffery Phillips.
Jeffery Phillips
Full name
Jeffery S Phillips
Also known as
Jeffery Scott Phillips, Jeff S Phillips, Jeffrey S Phillips, Jeff Phillips, Jeff E Phillips, Jeffrey Phillips
2018, 2013
1112 Sw Springfield Dr, Ankeny, IA, 50023-8248
1605 Nw Prairie Lakes Dr, Ankeny, IA, 50023-4836
2013, 2007
213 Nwscott St, Ankeny, IA, 50023
2012, 1995
7710 Ridgemont Dr, Urbandale, IA, 50322-2543
2010, 1996
213 Nw Scott St, Ankeny, IA, 50023-2346
2008, 2000
8780 Calimar Dr, Frisco, TX, 75034-7716
213 Scott Stnw, Ankeny, IA, 50021
4121 74Th St, Urbandale, IA, 50322-2547
Date of birth
Other contacts
(828) 682-9208, (515) 278-8137, (515) 965-8085, (515) 681-8020, (515) 298-1596, (972) 377-3465, (515) 252-1510