Who owns the phone number (486) 487-1865?
The most recent subscriber associated with this phone number was Whitney N Pracht. It belonged to this person in 2021, 2017, 2007. Their birthday is on 12.01.1948. At present they are 77. Whitney N Pracht is a resident at 2230 Via Corto, Fallbrook, CA, 92028-8123. You can contact Whitney N Pracht at (760) 212-9609, (760) 212-9608 and (760) 728-8488.
1 public record found for the phone number (486) 487-1865
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Whitney Pracht.
Whitney Pracht
Full name
Whitney N Pracht
2021, 2013, 2010
2230 Via Corto, Fallbrook, CA, 92028-8123
2018, 2013
2337 Royal Crest Dr, Escondido, CA, 92025-7012
Date of birth
Other contacts