Who owns the phone number (466) 812-6141?
Le Lindsay was the previous subscriber of this phone number. This person used to have the number in 2014. Their date of birth is 20.08.1981. Their actual age is 43. Le Lindsay currently lives at 1833 Markham Way, Sacramento, CA, 95818-3016. Lindsay B Fossen, Lindsay Fossen, Lindsay B Letellier and 3 other people are known to be their family. You may reach Le Lindsay at (916) 719-6083, (916) 391-2699, (925) 989-3601, (530) 756-2151, (916) 446-8165 and (707) 688-6854.
1 public record found for the phone number (466) 812-6141
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Le Lindsay.
Le Lindsay
Full name
Le Lindsay
Also known as
Lindsay B Fossen, Lindsay Fossen, Lindsay B Letellier, Lindsay Letellier, Lindsay Le, Tellier Lindsay Le
2018, 2010
1833 Markham Way, Sacramento, CA, 95818-3016
2011, 2003–2005
1110 Alder Tree Way, Sacramento, CA, 95831-3958
2008, 2003–2004
1516 F St, Davis, CA, 95616-1146
1516 St, Davis, CA, 95616
2141 Clearview Cir, Benicia, CA, 94510-2059
110 Alder Tree Way, Sacramento, CA, 95831
1599 Hunter Way, Yuba City, CA, 95993-1619
350 Canyon Ct, Benicia, CA, 94510-2114
Date of birth
Other contacts
(916) 719-6083, (916) 391-2699, (925) 989-3601, (530) 756-2151, (916) 446-8165, (707) 688-6854