Who owns the phone number (436) 451-1789?
Walter J Keeler was the most recent owner of this phone number. This person used to have it in 2010. Their date of birth is 13.11.1932. They are 92 years old now. Walter J Keeler now resides at 1137 Valentine Creek Dr, Crownsville, MD, 21032-1535. They are known to be a relative of Jim Keeler, W J Keeler, W Keeler and 1 other people. You can reach out to Walter J Keeler at (410) 923-0000, (410) 808-0883, (410) 923-6374, (410) 923-0343, (615) 388-4768 and (920) 268-2931.
1 public record found for the phone number (436) 451-1789
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Walter Keeler.
Walter Keeler
Full name
Walter J Keeler
Also known as
Jim Keeler, W J Keeler, W Keeler, Walter James Keeler
2018, 1993
1137 Valentine Creek Dr, Crownsville, MD, 21032-1535
2012, 2000
1715 Mayapple Way, Gambrills, MD, 21054-1813
2012, 1984
254 Rebecca Ann Ct, Millersville, MD, 21108-1032
2001, 1999
1137 Valentine, Crownsville, MD, 21032
Date of birth
Other contacts
(410) 923-0000, (410) 808-0883, (410) 923-6374, (410) 923-0343, (615) 388-4768, (920) 268-2931