Who owns the phone number (398) 986-0709?
The most recent subscriber associated with this phone number was Nikita Rizzo. It belonged to this person in 2021, 2016, 2007. Their date of birth is 27.02.1991. At present they are 33 years old. Nikita Rizzo is known to reside at 22 Summerfield Ln, Fredericksburg, VA, 22405-1771. They are known to be a relative of Nikita J Rizzo. You can contact Nikita Rizzo at (540) 371-8939, (512) 791-2918, (540) 361-8939 and (540) 850-3350.
1 public record found for the phone number (398) 986-0709
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Nikita Rizzo.
Nikita Rizzo
Full name
Nikita Rizzo
Also known as
Nikita J Rizzo
2021, 2008
22 Summerfield Ln, Fredericksburg, VA, 22405-1771
2018, 2013
4509 Ne Winn Rd, Kansas City, MO, 64117-1710
2001 Ne Russell Rd, Kansas City, MO, 64116-2423
1444 E 8Th St, Kansas City, MO, 64106-1712
5206 E 39Th Ter, Kansas City, MO, 64130-1705
Date of birth
Other contacts
(540) 371-8939, (512) 791-2918, (540) 361-8939, (540) 850-3350