Who owns the phone number (398) 815-1127?
The previous subscriber associated with this phone number was Amanda R Ballard. This person used the number in 2011. Their birthday is 18.02.1985. They are 39 years old now. Amanda R Ballard is currently a resident of 202 Belt Ave, O Fallon, IL, 62269-1707. They are known to be a relative of Amanda R Renner and Amanda Renner. Amanda R Ballard is available at (618) 632-5269, (618) 632-5267 and (814) 688-2626.
1 public record found for the phone number (398) 815-1127
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Amanda Ballard.
Amanda Ballard
Full name
Amanda R Ballard
Also known as
Amanda R Renner, Amanda Renner
2018, 2015
202 Belt Ave, O Fallon, IL, 62269-1707
2016, 2003
1421 Simmons Rd, O Fallon, IL, 62269-6606
1209 N Livingston St, Bloomington, IL, 61701-1534
2012, 2010
824 Kelley Dr, O Fallon, IL, 62269-7227
308 N Pennsylvania Ave, Belleville, IL, 62220-4164
308 Nothr Pennsylvania Ave, Belleville, IL, 62220
308 N Pensivaina Ave, Belleville, IL, 62220
Date of birth
Other contacts