Who owns the phone number (398) 722-3117?
The previous subscriber associated with this phone number was Tim Aguiar. The number belonged to this person in 2011. Their birth date is on 18.06.1962. They are 62 right now. Tim Aguiar is known to live at 996 Bald Rock Rd, Berry Creek, CA, 95916-9720. Their family are Tim Aguar, Tim Aguilar, Tim Allen Aguiar and 1 other people. Contact Tim Aguiar at (510) 910-3264 and (510) 430-1694.
1 public record found for the phone number (398) 722-3117
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Tim Aguiar.
Tim Aguiar
Full name
Tim Aguiar
Also known as
Tim Aguar, Tim Aguilar, Tim Allen Aguiar, Cynthia Brow
2018, 2009
996 Bald Rock Rd, Berry Creek, CA, 95916-9720
132 Pontiac St, San Leandro, CA, 94577-1635
Date of birth
Other contacts