Who owns the phone number (398) 484-7462?
The previous subscriber associated with this phone number was Judith A Trelka. This person used the number in 2016–2017. They were born on 02.07.1959. Their current age is 65. Judith A Trelka resides at 3665 Caroline Vale Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32277-9330. They've got a family of Judy A Trelka, Judith A Razzano, Judith A Manacci and 4 other people. You can reach out to Judith A Trelka by calling (440) 246-5289, (440) 960-1598, (419) 626-9156, (440) 282-9215, (718) 200-8074, (440) 282-4142, (216) 246-5289 and (904) 586-2927.
1 public record found for the phone number (398) 484-7462
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Judith Trelka.
Judith Trelka
Full name
Judith A Trelka
Also known as
Judy A Trelka, Judith A Razzano, Judith A Manacci, Judy Razzano, Judith Razzano, J Trelka, Judy Trelka
2018, 2016
3665 Caroline Vale Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32277-9330
1385 Brookwood Forest Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32225-4410
2017, 2011
4090 Hodges Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32224-4204
4460 Hodges Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32224-5207
4831 Florida Club Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32216-1088
1541 Treetop Trl, Akron, OH, 44313-8741
8427 Morse Rd, Vermilion, OH, 44089-9403
2009, 2006
4005 Portside Dr, Vermilion, OH, 44089-9182
2008, 2005
459 Colorado Ave, Lorain, OH, 44052-2109
1721 Moon Lake Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL, 60169-1073
18046 State Route 511, Wellington, OH, 44090-9710
459C Colorado Ave, Lorain, OH, 44052-2109
2003, 1994
2042 W 41St St, Lorain, OH, 44053-2647
2000, 1989
2706 W Erie Ave, Lorain, OH, 44053-1254
1996, 1994
1635 S Berry Knoll Blvd, Colorado City, AZ, 86021-6000
1996, 1987
747 Georgia Ave, Lorain, OH, 44052-3341
852 Princeton Ave, Amherst, OH, 44001-1138
1993, 1991
2042 West41St St, Lorain, OH, 44053
1993, 1991
2706 Erie A Avw, Lorain, OH, 44053
1992, 1987
2706 Erie A Avw A, Lorain, OH, 44052
2706 Erie A W, Lorain, OH, 44052
Date of birth
Other contacts
(440) 246-5289, (440) 960-1598, (419) 626-9156, (440) 282-9215, (718) 200-8074, (440) 282-4142, (216) 246-5289, (904) 586-2927