Who owns the phone number (398) 413-6254?
The previous owner associated with this phone number was Ernest M Wilke. This person used to have the number in 2011. Their date of birth is on 03.02.1940. Their present age is 85 years old. Ernest M Wilke resides at 559 E Paige Ave, Barberton, OH, 44203-3453. Ernest M Wolke, Ernest Wolke and Earnest M Wolke are known to be their family. You can get in touch with Ernest M Wilke at (330) 825-1689, (330) 307-9487, (330) 825-3990, (330) 307-9495, (330) 805-4612, (330) 861-1033 and (330) 877-9644.
1 public record found for the phone number (398) 413-6254
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Ernest Wilke.
Ernest Wilke
Full name
Ernest M Wilke
Also known as
Ernest M Wolke, Ernest Wolke, Earnest M Wolke
559 E Paige Ave, Barberton, OH, 44203-3453
1998, 1995
1576 Redwood Ave, Akron, OH, 44301-2734
1996, 1994
3161 Fall Oaks, Barberton, OH, 44203
1995, 1993
13231 Carnation Ave Nw, Hartville, OH, 44632-9665
3161 Fair Oaks Dr, Norton, OH, 44203-6342
Date of birth
Other contacts
(330) 825-1689, (330) 307-9487, (330) 825-3990, (330) 307-9495, (330) 805-4612, (330) 861-1033, (330) 877-9644