Who owns the phone number (333) 222-1999?
The most recent subscriber associated with this phone number was Lucinda S Kalbfell. This person owned it in 2006, 2003. They have a birthday on 24.06.1952. They are 72 at present. Lucinda S Kalbfell is known to reside at 161 Homestead Dr, Boardman, OH, 44512-1621. L Kalbfell, Lucinda Sue Kalbfell, Lucinda Sue Albfell and 1 other people are their family. Call Lucinda S Kalbfell at (330) 318-3205 and (330) 222-1992.
1 public record found for the phone number (333) 222-1999
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Lucinda Kalbfell.
Lucinda Kalbfell
Full name
Lucinda S Kalbfell
Also known as
L Kalbfell, Lucinda Sue Kalbfell, Lucinda Sue Albfell, Lacinda S Kalbfell
2018, 2007
161 Homestead Dr, Boardman, OH, 44512-1621
9235 Mecca Rd Ne, Kensington, OH, 44427-9659
5031 Depot Rd, Salem, OH, 44460-9430
1990, 1985
28856 State Route 172, Kensington, OH, 44427-9732
Date of birth
Other contacts