Who owns the phone number (288) 923-7144?
Janet L Jonhson was the most recent subscriber associated with this phone number. This person owned it in 2013. They celebrate their birthday on 14.07.1942. At present they are 82. Janet L Jonhson lives at 952 Valleywood Heights Dr, Howard, OH, 43028-9694. Janet L Johnson, Janet Ljohnson, Janet Johnson and 1 other people are known to be their relatives. Janet L Jonhson is available at (760) 749-1004, (619) 749-1004, (760) 724-9770, (336) 918-0883, (336) 724-9770 and (303) 955-8239.
1 public record found for the phone number (288) 923-7144
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Janet Jonhson.
Janet Jonhson
Full name
Janet L Jonhson
Also known as
Janet L Johnson, Janet Ljohnson, Janet Johnson, Janet Louise Johnson
2018, 2011
952 Valleywood Heights Dr, Howard, OH, 43028-9694
2017, 2004
10443 W 84Th Pl, Arvada, CO, 80005-4731
2016, 1997
12650 Cumbres Rd, Valley Center, CA, 92082-4022
2016, 2010
616 Doe Run Dr, Kernersville, NC, 27284-8000
3705 Mill Dream Dr, Hilliard, OH, 43026
7227 Red Mesa Ct, Littleton, CO, 80125-8838
1265 Cumbres, Valley Center, CA, 92082
1996, 1991
9309 Montemar Dr, Spring Valley, CA, 91977-3419
Date of birth
Other contacts
(760) 749-1004, (619) 749-1004, (760) 724-9770, (336) 918-0883, (336) 724-9770, (303) 955-8239