Who owns the phone number (275) 631-3147?

The most recent owner associated with this phone number was Everic L Boyd. This person used to have it in 2012, 2010. Their birthday is 07.08.1967. Right now they are 57. Everic L Boyd is presently a resident of 425 S Leighton Ave, Anniston, AL, 36207-6067. Their family are Everic C Boid, Eceric L Boyd, Boyd Everic and 2 other people. Everic L Boyd is available at (256) 405-0556 and (256) 237-7844.

1 public record found for the phone number (275) 631-3147

No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Everic Boyd.

2012, 2010


Everic Boyd

Full name

Everic L Boyd

Also known as

Everic C Boid, Eceric L Boyd, Boyd Everic, Eric Everic, Everie Boy


2018, 2014

425 S Leighton Ave, Anniston, AL, 36207-6067


312 B St, Anniston, AL, 36207-6024

2013, 2007

200 Mary Ln, Anniston, AL, 36207-6346

2012, 1996

11 A St, Anniston, AL, 36201

2012, 2010

2146 County Road 160, Lafayette, AL, 36862-4060

2012, 2002

2605 Old Wilmer Ave, Anniston, AL, 36201-2977

2003, 1998

2324 Mckleroy Ave, Anniston, AL, 36201-3151


3979 Point Rd, Mobile, AL, 36619-9750

2003, 2001

427 S Layden, Anniston, AL, 36201

1999, 1996

409 S Allen Ave, Anniston, AL, 36207-6188


11 Stroud Cir, Anniston, AL, 36203-9050

1996, 1991

2917 Noble St, Anniston, AL, 36201-2726

Date of birth


Other contacts

(256) 405-0556, (256) 237-7844