Who owns the phone number (275) 619-4728?
Larry L Wise was the previous subscriber of this phone number. This person used the number in 2007, 2005. They have a birthday on 13.12.1947. They are 77 at present. Larry L Wise is known to be a resident of 256 Henderson Ct, Abingdon, VA, 24210-2220. Larry L Wise can be reached at (276) 614-5521, (276) 619-4728 and (276) 676-3293.
1 public record found for the phone number (275) 619-4728
No information about the current owner is available. Previously, this phone number was associated with Larry Wise.
Larry Wise
Full name
Larry L Wise
2018, 2005
256 Henderson Ct, Abingdon, VA, 24210-2220
846 Gilliam St Sw, Abingdon, VA, 24210-2447
2008, 1996
506 Hagy St Sw, Abingdon, VA, 24210-3014
2008, 1993
849 E Main St, Abingdon, VA, 24210-4436
Date of birth
Other contacts