Phone numbers starting with (729) 212
Public records found
(729) 212-1123 phone number was associated with 1 person or businesses in our database. The most recent owner was Lucille Snow. This person had the number in 2011. Lucille is known to live at 7707 Woolston Ave, Philadelphia, PA, 19150-3110.
Public records found
(729) 212-5113 phone number was associated with 1 person or businesses in our database. The most recent owner was Louelle Kaggia. This person had the number in 2011. Louelle is known to live at 1914 Poplar St, Philadelphia, PA, 19130-1529.
Public records found
(729) 212-9090 phone number was associated with 1 person or businesses in our database. The most recent owner was Sharon Fraley. This person had the number in 2010. Sharon is known to live at 9812 Garwood St, Littleton, CO, 80125-8813.